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Notice 2019-004 - CSE Trading Fee Schedule

August 22, 2019

The Canadian Securities Exchange announces changes to its trading fee schedule that will take effect on September 1, 2019.

1. Dark Trading Fee

Non Market Makers

   Current Passive Fee  New Passive Fee         

 CSE Listed

  • Less than $1.00
  • Equal to or greater than $1.00

 $0.0002 with a $5 cap


 $0.0001 with a $5 cap


 TSX-V and TSX Listed  $0.0001  $0.00005


Market Makers

   Current Passive Fee  New Passive Fee         

 CSE Listed

  • Less than $1.00
  • Equal to or greater than $1.00

 $0.0002 with a $5 cap


 No charge

 No charge

 TSX-V and TSX Listed  $0.0001  No charge


2. Market Maker - TSX-V Listed Securities

   Current Passive Fee  New Passive Fee         

 Less than $0.10


 A flat fee of $10 for volume>=400,000 shares


 A flat fee of $10 for volume>=400,000 shares

 Equal to or greater than $0.10  $0.0004

 A flat fee of $15 for volume>=200,000 shares


 A flat fee of $15 for volume>=200,000 shares


3. Monthly Tier Credit - Top of Book (TOB)

The tier credits currently in place for TSX Listed securities will be extended to include TSX-V Listed securities. Trading TOB fee credits are awarded on a per symbol basis and are applied to all eligible passive trades on a monthly basis from a Trader ID or a Trader ID Group reaching the stated target percentage of time at the NBBO. Intentional crosses, registered unintentional crosses, odd-lot trades, flat fee trades and dark trading volumes are excluded from the eligible passive trades and do not qualify for the credits.

Non Market Makers

  Current  Passive Fee New Passive  Fee         

 TSX-V Listed

  • Tier 1:>=15% TOB (NBB or NBO) on either side – average for the month                                              




Market Makers

  Current  Passive Fee New Passive  Fee         
 TSX-V Listed  $0.0004  $0.0002

 TSX-V Listed

  • Tier 1:>=15% TOB (NBB or NBO) on either side – average for the month                                              



Percentage time at the NBB/NBO = (total amount of time at the NBB/NBO) divided by (the total amount of trading time for the month).  Trading time is measured from 9:30 am EST to 4:00 pm EST (6.5 hours).

4. CSE Listed Securities Monthly Tier Credits - Top Volume Performance

Credits will be applied for trading in CSE Listed securities with a share price equal to or greater than $1.00.  The credit is applied per symbol to eligible passive trades for the trader with the greatest trading volume. The trader must achieve a monthly minimum volume of 10% of the CSE total volume in that symbol. Intentional crosses, registered unintentional crosses, odd-lot trades, flat fee trades and dark trading volumes are not eligible for this Tier Credit Program. 

Non Market Makers

  Current  Passive Fee New Passive  Fee         

CSE Listed Securities trading equal to or greater than $1.00

The trader with greatest trading volume and achieving a minimum volume of 10% of the CSE total volume for the month               




Quick link:

Trading Fee Schedule

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact: