Axcap Ventures Inc.
Axcap Ventures Inc.

The Issuer is an investment company whose primary objective is to identify promising companies with excellent projects, innovative technologies or both, using management’s extensive experience in deal sourcing and capital combination to maximize returns for the Issuer’s shareholders. The Issuer will invest its funds with the aim of generating returns from capital appreciation and investment income. It intends to accomplish these goals through the identification of and investment in securities of private and publicly listed entities across a wide range of sectors and industry areas, including but not limited to the mineral exploration, technology, software development and biotechnology industries.
Axcap Ventures Inc. (AXCP)
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2024-1029 – Stock Split - Axcap Ventures Inc. (AXCP)
le 29 octobre/October 2024
Axcap Ventures Inc. has announced a two point four (2.4) for one (1) stock split of its issued and outstanding common shares. Each shareholder of record as of the close of business on the record date will receive one point four (1.4) additional shares for each share held on such date.
Upon completion of the split, there will be approximately 189,034,658 shares issued and outstanding.